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Nursery admission arrangements for 2025/26

If you are seeking a place in Nursery for your child, you can do so via the online form below, or via the QR code above (both quick and easy), or by the downloadable form above.

Some parents may be eligible for 30 hours a week nursery. Please check this link to see if your child is eligible, 30 hours free childcare – GOV.UK (

Reception admissions 2025/26

The closing date for Reception admissions is 15th January 2025.  Please contact the Local Authority Admissions Team if you are seeking a Reception place.

Wrap around care

We offer parents wrap around care, on-site, via Cookie Club. Our breakfast and after school providers. For more information contact  tel: 07719 519578 email:

Admissions for all other year groups

Purwell Primary School is a community school and admissions to our school is managed by Hertfordshire County Council.

Please click on this link for more details

Admission to our Reception Class is managed by the school through Hertfordshire County Council’s online  admissions system.  Please see below for arrangements for Nursery admissions for 2025/26.

If you need to apply for a place in the middle of a school year, or to start in September of a year which is not the normal point of entry please click on the link below.

We have a single intake in September for both reception and nursery classes.

Admission arrangements for 2025/26

Hertfordshire County Council has determined its admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for 2025/26 and has also agreed schemes of coordination for primary and secondary schools for the 2025/26 academic year.