
Parents’ Information

We hope that you find all the information you require here. If, after reading, you still have a query or …

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health and Wellbeing Services and Support What is mental health? “A state of mental wellbeing that enables people to …

School Hours

Opening Hours Nursery There is one Nursery session, from 8.50 – 11.50am. (Parents eligible for 30 hours for their child …

Wrap Around Care

Wrap around care can be provided, on-site, via Cookie Club, our breakfast and after school providers. Cookie Club offer high …


Safeguarding is defined as protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of health and/or development, ensuring that children grow up in …


Being online is an integral part of children and young people’s lives. Social media, online games, websites and apps can …

Meals & Milk

School Meals The menu is shown below. HCL Pupils Choice Extra – Summer-Autumn Menu Hertfordshire Catering Ltd (HCL) is our …


School uniform should be worn by all children from Reception to Year 6, as it fosters a sense of belonging. …

Online Payments

To make online payments register with School Gateway To register you must have supplied us with an email address and …


 2022/2023   Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lunch (Sport) (12.30 pm start) Boys’ and Girls’ football (Y4/5/6) Mr Chan/  ; …


The school is fortunate to have an active and supportive group of parents, who help the school to organise events …


Emergency Closures

As part of the school’s planning for emergencies, parents are reminded that incidents that necessitate school closure include such things …