Return to Parents

Parents’ Information

We hope that you find all the information you require here. If, after reading, you still have a query or have any suggestions you would like make regarding any aspect of school, please contact the school office.

Also at Purwell, we are able to hire out our hall for parents to have birthday parties, etc and for the local community to hold clubs. If you would like more information, regarding booking and costs please contact the school office.

Your views on the school are welcome, and can be made on the Ofsted Parent View site.

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school


The Data Protection Officer (DPO) for the school is Mrs A Sharp, and she can be contacted on Alternatively, you may contact the DPO via the school office.  Please note that, during school holidays, the email is not monitored every day, but it will be checked periodically.

Working alongside parents

The school believes that close consultation between parents and teacher is vital to the progress and wellbeing of the child, and teachers are generally available to discuss problems or difficulties after school or by appointment via the school office.
Problems do crop up from time to time, and we shall always be pleased to discuss them with you. Please do not wait for a Parent Teacher Consultation Evening but come at the time the problem occurs.

Consultation Evenings take place in the Autumn and Spring Terms, when you may come and see your child’s teacher about his/her work and we urge you to make every effort to attend these important meetings.

Parents of Nursery children are invited to a meeting prior to their child starting in the nursery. Parents of children moving to all-day attendance in the Early Years Foundation Stage will be invited to a meeting during their child’s final term in nursery. You will receive an annual progress report for your child in the Summer Term.

School Attendance

Please do not keep your child away from school without good reason. Regular attendance is of utmost importance to your child’s education. This is of particular importance for Key Stage 1 and 2 children during the weeks designated for Standard Attainment Tasks and Tests (SATs) preparation. It is very helpful if parents can telephone school by 10 a.m. on the first day of sickness absence, as this ensures the school knows where the child is and it can provide useful medical information, particularly in regard to viruses and infectious conditions. The school operates a first day response, so if parents do not contact us, we will contact them to provide a reason for their child’s absence from school.

Lengthy absence from school during term time can have a detrimental impact on learning. Annual holidays should not be arranged during term time, but if this is unavoidable please email, to let the school know. Absences for dental visits, medical appointments etc, should be made known by email or telephone.

Children are not allowed to leave the premises during school hours for any reason unless accompanied by an adult. Any request for a child to leave school during school hours should be made in writing, in person or by telephone.

Health and Welfare

It is important that we are kept fully informed of your child’s medical history. The school nurse gives school health interviews shortly after entry to school but special arrangements may be made for your child to see the doctor at the clinic if you wish, at a later date.

Infectious Diseases

Please notify the school of infectious diseases, particularly:

  • Rubella (German measles)
  • Threadworms
  • Headlice

School Dentist & School Nurse

The school dentist visits the school regularly. The school nurse may be contacted at on: 01707 252465.

First Aid

If your child has an accident, he/she will be given first aid at school and, if necessary, sent to hospital.
Please keep the school informed of changes of telephone number (work and home) so that you can be reached quickly in an emergency.


Medicines are not administered in school. Most medicines need to be given three times a day and could be given before school, when school finishes and at bedtime. Parents of children on permanent medication should see the Headteacher.


The school must be informed of your child’s need to use an inhaler during the school day. We keep a register of this to ensure that everyone involved with your child knows your child’s needs.

We prefer children to carry their inhalers with them throughout the school day. Parents of younger children may ask for their inhaler to be kept by the teacher. Children should be taught how to use and look after their inhalers. We are happy to store spare inhalers. All inhalers must be clearly labelled with your child’s name.